Instagram clone with Jetpack Compose, Firebase, MVVM & Hilt

Use the most up-to-date Android Jetpack libraries and tools to make a complete Instagram clone app.

What you’ll learn

Instagram clone with Jetpack Compose, Firebase, MVVM & Hilt

  • Jetpack Compose
  • Instagram
  • MVVM
  • Coil
  • Hilt
  • Navigation
  • Apps that work in the real world are shown here.
  • The whole Android project


  • The Jetpack Compose.
  • Development of Android.





A new Instagram clone app will be made together in this class, so we’ll start from scratch.

In this class, we will use the most up to date Android development tools. We will use Jetpack Compose, MVVM for the app architecture, Hilt for dependency injection, Jetpack Navigation for moving around in the app, Coil for loading images, and Firebase for the backend API, which we will use for the app. Even if we use Coroutines, we’ll use them from time to time as well.

This is a little more advanced class. It doesn’t want to teach you how to use Jetpack Compose on its own. Instead, it wants to show you how to use it in a real project, to make a new app from scratch. Compose and the libraries we use won’t be talked about in this class. Instead, we’ll work on making an app. If you want, we can start from scratch and build the app step by step.

We will add a lot of Instagram-specific and general features, like:

  • Authentication is done through Firebase authentication.
  • Profile screens
  • Creating posts
  • Follow users
  • Like posts
  • Comments
  • Search screen
  • Post feed screen
  • and more

As long as you’ve taken a Jetpack Compose class before and you know the basics, but you don’t know where to go from here, this is the class for you.

This is also a good choice for someone who wants to improve their Android development skills.

As soon as you sign up, let’s make an Instagram clone app with the Jetpack Compose tool.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who work with Android.
  • Android developers who are in the middle



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