SQL Server Interview Questions and Answers

What you’ll learn

SQL Server Interview Questions and Answers

  • How to answer basic SQL Server interview questions about Normalization, De-normalization, First/Second/Third Normal forms, OLTP and OLAP, and how to answer them.
  • Compare SQL Server questions about Primary key vs Unique key, Char vs Nchar, Char vs Varchar, Clustered vs Non-clustered, Instead of vs After triggers, and so on.
  • Inner joins, left joins, right joins, outer joins, and cross-joins are some of the things you need to know about writing SQL queries.
  • Join vs. Subquery, Group by, Having vs. Where, Identity columns, Transactions, Aggregate functions, Sorting, and the Distinct keyword are some of the tricky questions.
  • How to answer questions like Select the top nth salary, joins vs subqueries, self joins, Nulls, Wild cards, aliases, and the top keyword.



Is your goal to get good at SQL Server interviews? Then you are on the right track.

People who work in SQL Server and people who pass SQL Server interviews are two different things. People who work with SQL Server usually do the same things over and over again, like backups, custom reporting, and so on. Simple questions like “What kind of triggers are there?” make them a little hesitant, so this is why.

Because they need to make some changes, they don’t know the answer. That’s what this class does. I can get ready for the SQL Server interview in just a few days thanks to this app.

Below is a list of questions with the answers, demonstrations, and detailed explanations for each one, so you can learn more. Having fun with your education is a good thing. I hope you have a good time looking for work.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers who want to get good at SQL Server interviews



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